3-Letter Name with a Theme

Basic 3-letter nameBasic 3-letter Monogram / Initials3-Letter Name with a ThemeBasic 4-letter Name, Any Colors, Custom4-Letter Name with Custom ThemeBasic 5-letter name5-Letter Name with Custom ThemeBasic 6-letter name6 Letter Name with Custom ThemeCustom 8 Letter NameNext

3-Letter Name with a Theme
3-Letter Name with a Theme


Add a little extra pizzazz to a basic name or set of initials.....

Pick a theme, any theme, and I will add just the right custom flair to your arleady one-of-a-kind gift!  Music or sports or about anything you can name can be added as extra detail to my Basic 3-Letter Name.  This one has a football theme.  Three letter names are 5 inches tall by 9 or so inches wide.  Exact width will depend upon letters.

Please contact us before ordering if you have any questions at all. I will respond asap.   All orders for Names are custom and may take 2-4 weeks before shipping.  Orders placed directly through the website qualify for free shipping by priority mail.  You may add a note at checkout to specify colors, or email me at greenheronglass@gmail.com for more info.  Either way, I will respond within 24 hours.


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Please feel free to contact me with any questions about custom designs, colors, or anyhting else! I will respond to all inquiries. Thanks for viewing my work! 
 ~Alison Ellis

 Green Heron Glass StudioScranton, NC252-944-1923

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